
‘Lala Salama’ roughly translates from Swahili as ‘sleep well’. It’s our latest decaf option, and is made up of several varieties from micro-lots in Rwanda and Uganda. Not often we use blends here, but we thought it’d be a great opportunity to highlight two origins we’ve had the pleasure of presenting some banging coffees from in recent years. It has subtle citrus notes, sweet cherry acidity and a smooth caramel finish. So tasty you won’t even miss the caffeine.



Various smallholder farmers

Cup Profile

Clementine, Caramel,
Morello Cherry


Rwanda / Uganda


MC Decaf


Lake Kivu, Shangi Sector / Bukyabo, Western Province


SL14, SL28, Nyasaland
& Red Bourbon


1,800 - 2,200m

Cup Score



Falcon Specialty


‘Lala Salama’ roughly translates from Swahili as ‘sleep well’. It’s our latest decaf option, and is made up of several varieties from micro-lots in Rwanda and Uganda. Not often we use blends here, but we thought it’d be a great opportunity to highlight two origins we’ve had the pleasure of presenting some banging coffees from in recent years. It has subtle citrus notes, sweet cherry acidity and a smooth caramel finish. So tasty you won’t even miss the caffeine.

Rwanda and Uganda border each other and are situated in East Africa. They are both world renowned coffee producing nations in their own right. Coffee trade is a vitally important part of the economy of both countries, and has a major impact on the everyday lives of people living in coffee growing communities. We feel this blend highlights both country’s coffees in great balance. The sweetness provided by the SL varieties from Uganda are balanced out by the body and richness provided by the Red Bourbon from Rwanda.

This coffee has undergone the Methylene Chloride decaffeination process. Firstly, the beans are treated with steam to draw the caffeine from within to the outer surface. Methylene Chloride is then applied directly to the beans. As a chemical solvent, MC removes the caffeine. Afterwards, steam is once again applied to the coffee beans in order to drive out any residual solvent. Finally, the beans are dried out. After the roasting process any further residues of the chemical solvent will have been removed. Any amounts of methylene chloride left in brewed coffee would be less than one part per million.

Here at Ancoats Coffee Co. we’ve been proud to consistently offer up a high quality decaf option, and this coffee is no exception. It’s sweet and smooth with a syrupy texture and rich aftertaste. We take just as much care roasting and brewing this decaf as we do with each of our other coffees, without ever compromising on flavour. An ideal option for a cheeky late afternoon long black or after dinner refreshment. Happy brewing…and sweet dreams.